modernist architectural treasure sits on a rocky outcrop near Illetas beach. A subtle, dark chocolate, tile covered building that seems to perfectly hug the coastline – aware of its stature yet letting itself blend into the surroundings. The Hotel de Mar, opened in 1964, celebrates 60-years with a new book that documents the history of the hotel’s construction.
Sixty years ago, Bartolomé Buadas Mayol, the owner of the Hotel de Mar, which the Melia Group would eventually purchase, wanted to construct a new ‘timeless’ hotel that would capture the spirit of style, travel and design of the era. In what feels like a rather bold and intuitive move, he turned to Barcelona-based architect, José Antonio Coderch de Sentmenat (1913-1984), whose career was on the rise thanks to buildings such as Casa Tapies (1960) and Casa Uriach (1961). Coderch’s style was becoming better known and admired – but not by all back then – for its rationalist forms, stacking volumes, and his unique vision of integrating the structure with the landscape.